Reach holiday shoppers on Youtube

Jeremy Engelen
Jeremy Engelen

Did you know that 55% of people search first for a product in Google, then learn more by going to Youtube before making a purchase?

Your Google Search strategy is probably ready to fire for the holiday season but have you thought about using Youtube ads to reach your holiday shoppers?

This article is for digital marketer desiring to reach the full potential of the holiday period.

Youtube Targeting

First you should now that Youtube can be now used for 2 types of targeting:

  1. Branding – Awareness phase (SEE)
  2. Actions – Consideration, purchase and retention phase (THINK, DO, CARE)

Those phases can be targeted per phase through specific audience provided directly by Google: 

Let’s focus on the Action targeting

Most people start their customer journey by doing a Google search. But how many of them finalize their purchase directly after their first search?

Thanks to Youtube for action, you can reconnect at low cost with people who have searched in Google for a product and thus optimize your conversion rate.

3 types of audience

  1. In-Market audiences
    In market audiences target users who are in the consideration intent phase. They use the huge amount of data from Google Search to analyze user behavioral signals. These signals will target users actively searching for a specific product at a specific time.

    Let’s say you are creating a campaign to sell your brand new lipstick. Through “in-market audiences”, you can target specific users who:

    • Are actively looking for beauty product and personal care
    • Clicked recently on an ad for lipstick or makeup
    • Browse website related to beauty products
  2. Custom Intent audiences
    Custom intent audiences target users who are in the intent to purchase phase. These are audiences that Google allows you to create yourself that will targeter users on the basis of several parameters:

    • The keywords they typed in Google Search
    • Applications they have used
    • The websites they visited

      Let’s take again our example of lipstick, thanks to the custom intents audiences you could targeter users that:
      • Have searched in Google for “Red lipstick”, “Christmas makeup”, “Lipstick on sale”, “Lipstick on sale”, “Lipstick on sale”, “Lipstick on sale”, “Lipstick on sale”…
      • Visited specific makeup related websites or even your competitors’ ‘www.concurrent lipstick”.
      • Used specific applications related to makeup
  3. Remarketing & Customer match
    Remarketing & Customer match audiences target users in an intent phase of retention.

    • Remarketing audiences allow you to target users who have visited your website. You can also segment these audiences and target users according to the different actions they performed during their visit.
      For example: Person who added lipstick to their shopping cart without completing the purchase.
    • Customer match allows you to create and target your own user lists easily by uploading your prospects’ email addresses 


88% of online video users research gifts on YouTube during the holiday shopping season which makes YouTube a prime platform for driving awareness of seasonal offers, sale events and with solutions like trueview for action & custom intent audiences, even driving purchases directly from video ads themselves…

Avoid spending your money on uninterested audiences and activate users who are actively searching for your products, especially during those periods of the end of the year when competition is much more intense.

Through Youtube ads and these 3 types of audiences, you will be able to target precisely and at low costs users with high intents of purchase. 

It’s the season to go full in on video!
