Content Distribution: How to Do It Right?

content distribution

Many content marketers struggle with content distribution on social media and are looking for the best ways to distribute their subject matter effectively. The material is excellent, but it’s not getting the visibility they want. Content distribution can be complex since you need to keep the content engaging and at the same time reach your right audience. The key is to find a balance between these two aspects of content promotion.

There are many content distribution practices, but some work better than others, depending on the industry. Like using the 50 Lions slot machine, knowing which strategy will work best for you can be tricky. This article will teach you how to distribute your content the right way for excellent results. Read on to learn how to do content marketing in 2022 like an expert!

Know Your Target Audience

With the wealth of materials available on the Internet, you need to ensure that the right people see your message. This is why it’s remarkable to know the audience for your content before you start distributing it! So what do you need to know about the target audience for the materials you’re distributing? The answer is “a lot.” With the correct information, you can make the most of your content distribution strategy on social media and increase the likelihood of sharing the content with your desired audience.

Not many creators think about the process of spreading their ideas, but it is the most crucial step in the entire marketing process. You can have the best message or offer in the world, but if you’re not distributing it to the right audience, then you’ll never get anywhere. When researching your target audience, it’s essential to know who they are and their needs to tailor your messages. So below are valuable tips that will help you research your target audience when distributing content:

  • Create reader personas
  • Conduct regular user surveys
  • Conduct an annual audience survey
  • Use Facebook insights
  • Use Google Analytics
  • Connect to your Twitter followers dashboard
  • Collect demographic data from your customers, email subscribers, website visitors, and other social media followers.

Assess Your Content Distribution Options

At first glance, it can seem like social media marketing is the only way to go. But what if you don’t have time for that? Or, what if you’re looking for more options than just Facebook and Twitter? Many creators struggle with the same question – where should you publish your piece so that it gets seen by as many people as possible? There are great content distribution on social media options that’ll help you maximize the potential of your content and get it in front of as many eyes as possible without spending too much money.

Choosing the best distribution option for your pieces is a crucial step, but it’s essential to note that each option has its benefits and drawbacks. So it’s vitally important to make a well-informed choice about what strategy works best for your business. That means evaluating where you’re publishing your piece and how much engagement (likes, shares, comments, retweets) it gets when it goes out. You can also use tools like BuzzSumo to find influencers in your industry that might be interested in sharing your content with their networks.

The more channels you distribute through, the higher the chance of finding success! So whether you’re a marketing newbie, experienced practitioner, or seasoned expert, you need to choose the content distribution on social media option that best serves your purpose. Below are several factors to consider when evaluating your distribution options:

  • Audience characteristics
  • Communication style
  • Rules of engagement
  • Brand capabilities and resources

Develop a Distribution Strategy

Content distribution plan e-commerce

Once you’ve evaluated and generated a list of the most appropriate distribution options, developing an effective content distribution strategy is straightforward. The strategy that brings the most success is the one that you can measure and understand what it’ll do for your industry. This distribution plan will help you get content in front of a large audience and help you track how many conversions happen from each piece.

There are so many marketing strategies to choose from, but the process of creating an effective plan can be challenging if you don’t know where to start. So below are nine steps that can help develop a distribution plan and begin leveraging the power of content marketing today:

  • Define your goals and set your mission
  • Establish your key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Evaluate your current position
  • Determine the best channels
  • Classify and allocate resources
  • Develop a calendar
  • Create quality content
  • Distribute and sell your pieces
  • Measure results

If you need help with content distribution for your B2C business, you can always contact us

Audit Your Content

Are you distributing your pieces to your consumers through blog posts, social media, YouTube videos, and more? If so, it’s essential to audit the quality of this content before sending it out. When creating content for organic search, you don’t want to send out wrong information or something that isn’t relevant to your audience. While your newly developed distribution strategy doesn’t involve removing your already published pieces, you should perform an audit to determine if it’s improving or affecting your distribution efforts.

Performing an audit will also remind you of the topics you’ve already covered and which ones need augmentation. A thorough audit should comprise the following three main parts:

Logging Your Content

You can do content logging manually or using a tool, but we recommend the latter if you’ve been publishing your pieces on multiple channels or properties. Logging your content is a great way to keep track of what you’ve written and how it’s performing.

Evaluating the Impact

Evaluating your pieces is an integral part of content distribution and SEO. If you want to improve your site’s conversion rate, you must understand the impact of your content on your target audience. Assessing content can be done in many ways, such as, analyzing how much traffic each generates and comparing it to the number of conversions generated. Evaluating your content impact can help you make better decisions about what to do next, including determining what needs to be erased, rewritten, or updated.

Identifying the Gaps

Content marketers must identify what they need to do next in order to reach their goals. The best way is by analyzing the distribution of your content and checking if there are any gaps. There are many ways to identify content gaps, such as performing keyword research to get new keyword phrases to add to your content, or using the Ahrefs Content Gap tool to identify the gaps.

Decide on the Best Content Types

Content distribution planning

It’s essential to decide on content type early if you want your content to be distributed successfully. Choosing suitable topics can be a difficult decision. What types of content should you create? Which content type has the highest conversion rate? And what content is worth your time and resources to produce? These questions must be answered before you can effectively distribute your pieces. You need to know what content will resonate with the audience and generate the most views, shares, likes, retweets, comments, etc.

Many content types can be distributed, and it’s essential to analyze which content type will bring in the most revenue for your business. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer for the right content type for distribution because every company has different goals and objectives. On the other hand, every kind of article requires a unique distribution plan. However, below, are the most common types of content every business should try:

  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • E-books
  • Podcasts, webinars, and interviews
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Success stories and case studies

Never Stop Analyzing Your Results

Measuring and analyzing results is a constant process that starts from understanding your target audience and never stops. Always be sure to keep an eye on your entire process of content distribution. The regular analysis will help you establish a baseline and determine which numbers you can achieve in the following week or month.

Once you’ve published your piece, check Google Analytics, your blog performance, your social media analytics—depending on where you’ve distributed your content. Ensure you set a routine timetable to measure and analyze your results (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). Email marketing platforms and Web push can also help you measure your distribution effectiveness—you can examine the effects of every sent campaign.

Bottom Line

There are many ways to distribute content nowadays, including blogs, social media, and you can even create a podcast. However, the most common mistake writers make during distribution is doing it wrong! Luckily, this article discusses the best way to distribute your content and ensure it reaches a considerable number of your target audience.

Are you a new content marketer looking to start small or an experienced practitioner looking to make the biggest splash with a massive, multiplatform branded content launch? Do you know the common mistakes to avoid during content distribution? Please use the comment section to share your opinion and ask any troubling questions related to content distribution.

About the author

Arthur is a digital marketing specialist and business blogger. He develops interesting startups through various social media and shares his experience with clients to better promote their business. In his spare time, Arthur studies Japanese and writes articles on digital transformation trends. Visit his website via this link.

Ready to kickoff your content distribution?

We hope you learned new ways to distribute your content as efficient as possible!

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