
Sharing is caring. We offer all the tools we use in our projects for free. Our aim is to empower you and your team to embrace a culture of rapid experimentation asap.
performance tablet increase
Reversed Funnel
Think negatively to spot possible barriers in your growth funnel.
analytics graph lines
Growth canvas
Map all your growth marketing tactics across the funnel. From awareness to referral.
Chrome extensions for growth
Chrome extensions for growth
A curated list of 14 chrome extensions that will help you reach your growth objectives.
Logo Design
Logo Design
50 Growth Hack Tools
50 Must-have growth hack tools for any marketer wanting rapid growth.
Forms & Surveys
Forms & Surveys
Beta Users
Beta Users
Color Pickers
Color Pickers
App Builders
App Builders
Stock Images
Stock Images
Chatbot Builders
Chatbot Builders
Mock ups
Mock ups