#EXPERT STORY – Discover how Tina created the long-term digital strategy at DeltaLight

The Expert
Tina was one of the first hires for the Upthrust team and has been with the company for three years. Her background was in logistics, but she went back to college to get a degree in marketing and developed a fascination with digital marketing.

As a digital marketer, Tina loves to wear many hats and really enjoys the fact that you can reach a large audience online at a personal level. She likes to work with many different clients and reinvent different strategies.
The Company
Delta Light designs and manufactures architectural lighting for a wide range of structures including small and large houses, offices, hotels, retail spaces, hospitality, and more. The company incorporated in 1989 and now sells their lighting through partners in over 120 countries around the globe.
Timeline and Goals
October 2018 – May 2019
As a digital marketer for Delta Light, Tina was responsible for their website, social media channels, and for strategizing digital campaigns. And within those responsibilities Delta Light set some very high goals for Tina.
The company holds visibility in high regard and sees it as a focal point for their lead generation and sales, so Tina’s focus as a consultant was to do anything on the digital marketing side to increase that visibility. Their website was messy at the time, so a major goal was to revamp the site in order to attract leads and increase sales.
As part of this branding and visibility focus, increasing Delta Lights vanity metrics was a goal of the project. The company wanted a big presence on social media—Facebook and Instagram—with lots of likes, followers, and comments.
First Impressions
Tina had two weeks to find out what Delta Light wanted from a digital marketing perspective, figure out what they were already doing, and take the baton from the previous digital marketer. Naturally, there was a lot of hustle involved in this process, but she was able to create the next steps for the project.
“Something that I always do when I start with a new client is I start analyzing everything. I start looking at the website. I make a SWOT analysis of every channel that they have, and then I see what they’re doing wrong and what can be improved straight away and what are the opportunities long-term.”
Tina had some very high goals with Delta Light, and she was the only digital marketing professional at the company. So there was a lot to achieve!
To start, Tina worked to implement a long-term strategy, set up a content calendar, and create their brand messaging on social media.
“We really started looking at each channel on their own and not just posting everything randomly on every channel that they have.”
Next, one of the biggest challenges for Delta Light was communicating with different markets on a global platform. Because they have a presence in so many countries, it’s hard to get the messaging right, and Tina was able to help them implement communication strategies that were both sensible and streamlined.
For example, lighting products in Belgium often don’t get released in the US for an entire year. Because of this, the company had issues with their salespeople in the US being flooded with questions about a new product that wasn’t available yet. With Tina’s strategy, the company was able to remedy these issues and get their messaging on point.
With their digital communication and social media strategies in place, this set the stage for growth acceleration at Delta Light. Before Tina arrived, the company had no digital strategy, and after she left, their audience had grown with clear, branding focused communication to increase their visibility.
Starting from scratch is never easy, but Tina gave them a roadmap for the future.
The Lighter Side
Upthrust is like a second family for Tina, but she’s from West Flanders while everyone else is Antwerp or Brussels. That makes her a unique part of the team! However, when it comes to language, there can be some barriers.
Fortunately, everyone speaks English. But at times, Tina falls into her special dialect of Dutch which hardly anyone on the team can understand. Needless to say, there have been some funny moments at company gatherings!