5 Actionable SaaS Marketing Strategies You Can Try Out This Week

There are a lot of articles out there covering SaaS marketing strategies that we all find suspiciously similar. Most of those strategies are vague, repetitive, and have no real actionable insights.
In this article, we’ll share what worked for us and our customers with actionable steps and proof. No tricks or lies. All the strategies for a SaaS business are explained in detail and will help you get concrete results. All you have to do is follow and execute.
These are the SaaS strategies we will cover:
👉 Lead magnets
👉 Launching your product on Product Hunt
👉 How to organize actionable webinars
👉 LinkedIn lead generation strategy that brought us 15K leads.
👉 Multi-touchpoint cold emailing campaigns
1. Creating a Lead Magnet
A lead magnet refers to a free value (product or service) offered to potential customers with the aim of collecting their contact information. Here are some of the commonly used lead magnets with short descriptions.
#1 Free trials:
Free trials enable users to use a SaaS or tool without paying for it. You’re already probably familiar with this concept. This allows users to try the SaaS product before they buy. And is a great way to get their contact information.
For example, we offer a free version of our growth marketing course covering growth marketing essentials. After 6-hours of content, users asked to get the full course.
#2 eBooks and whitepapers:
Writing eBooks is a great way of showing your prospects two things.
- You know the exact pain points they have.
- You have a plan to resolve their business problems.
By writing an eBook, you demonstrate your expertise and your willingness to share knowledge. Needless to say, you have to ensure that your eBooks are actually valuable and that the reader learns something new by reading them. This new thing could be a little quick win or life-changing high concept.
You see, we didn’t spend anything but only showed our expertise and experience through an eBook or any written form of content.
#3 Frameworks, canvasses, cheat sheets and checklists:
These lead magnets are easier to produce compared to other ones on the list. But they could be as attractive as an eBook or free trial as SaaS marketing. It’s a one-pager but the value it carries is more significant than 50 pages.
Many people are looking for frameworks, checklists or canvasses on the internet to tackle their SaaS business problems. If you know your audience’s pain points, you can obtain their personal information in exchange for these tools.
Finding pain points for creating a great lead magnet
We mentioned many strategies related to this in the content marketing chapter. But here are some points to refresh your memory.
- Interview your existing customers. Ask them what kind of lead magnet they would love to have.
- Scan platforms like Reddit, Quora, LinkedIn or specific forums where your target audience hangs out. People often pronounce their problems.
- You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Look up to your biggest competitor, copy-paste their lead magnet strategies.
After you create your lead magnet, don’t forget to
- Create a landing page for it.
- Put a direct link to the lead magnet on your website.
- Create pop-ups, exit-intents, and redirect people to your lead magnet.
- Experiment with social ads as a marketing strategy.
- Distribute it on social platforms.
2. Launch your product on Product Hunt
In case you don’t know about Product Hunt, I’ll explain the platform first.
Product Hunt is a platform that curates the best new products every day. SaaS, mobile apps, websites, technology, physical products or even lead magnets, you name it.
Here is the great thing about Product Hunt:
All product freaks, angel investors and Silicon Valley citizens are watching Product Hunt closely. Which means, if you could successfully launch there, you have the opportunity to introduce your product hundred thousands of high-quality leads.
We’ll define what a “successful launch” is now.
First: The ranking system on Product Hunt.
As you can see below, there is a leaderboard on Product Hunt’s home page. It’s a leaderboard that refreshes once every 24hr. On the right side, you see upvotes, and the products with the most upvotes stay on the top for a day.

Here, I should highlight that Product Hunt gets almost 5M visits per month. Just stop and think about the magnitude of the exposure you’ll be getting by staying at the top of the leaderboard.
Ok, so now you know what we know! We can talk about the “how” part.
Second: The strategy behind the successful launch
The rule of the game: product hunt launch is a marathon, not a sprint.
You can’t pile up all your upvotes at once and expect to stay on top. Because the algorithm of the leaderboard doesn’t reward this behavior. So the critical point of the strategy is to spread your upvote potential into a day.
Here are some things you should know before we get into the tactics:
- If new accounts bulk upvotes your product, you might get flagged. The voters should have a Product Hunt account before the launch day. So tell your colleagues, team, and audience to create an account already.
- Don’t buy votes, it’s risky, and you could get a ban from the PH.
- You can launch your product more than once. Say you launched your SaaS product, and after six months, you launched a new feature. Then you can relaunch it.
- You can also create additional products and launch them. Just like we did.
- You need to launch your product right after the 24hr reset for maximum exposure. Check this website to optimize your launch for the right timing.
Now to the marketing tactics. The intention is to reach as many people as possible. So you’ll find and create new distribution channels to get those upvotes!
Here are the SaaS marketing strategies we used to stay in the top 10.
#1 Prepare your page for the launch
Your product hunt page is like the package of your product. You need to wrap up your product with beautiful text, images, videos and many more things. So we suggest you prepare these things one week before your launch.
As you might expect, to stay in the top 10, you’ll compete with a lot of products. And the look and feel of your page are one of the most critical differentiators.
At first glance, you have three essential elements. The image (preferably GIF), title, and body copy. Here, you should make sure your image is attractive and tells your story. And, of course, the title and body copy should clearly explain what your product is.

The second layer will be visible when someone clicks on your product. Here you can explain your product further with video and images. We used both to make it more clear.
Product Hunt will also want you to write the first comment on your product. This comment is generally an explanation, story, or purpose of your product. Here is what we wrote:

You see, it’s a lot of work. But some tools could help you in this process. One of them is PreviewHunt; you can try out all the stuff before your launch in this tool. It informs you about things like character limits, image resolution and makes things easier.
#2 PH launch Newsletter.
Create a newsletter about your product hunt launch and send it to your email list. Extra tip, you can reach out to them a week before and tell them to create a PH account for your launch. Don’t hesitate, early fans and adopters always want to support you.
#3 Distribution on Slack, FB and other social media platforms.
Slack: Join all the product-related public slack channels you can find on Slofile. There are #launch and #shameless-plug in dozens of them. Go and share your link with a clear description.
Facebook groups: go to the search bar and type product hunt; you’ll see many groups appear there. Join them and share your launch link with members. Alternatively, you can also reach out to the online members and message them. Also, post from your Company’s Facebook page.
LinkedIn distribution: Each colleague writes and posts a LinkedIn post highlighting the importance of PH launch and asks for support. On top of that, you can search and join LinkedIn groups to share your posts and get more upvotes. Here is an example of a LinkedIn post, here we went one step further and recorded a video:
We’ll share the secrets of like, comments in this chapter later!

On top of that, you can share your launch link on Twitter, Instagram and other platforms.
#4 Our secret LinkedIn sauce
This is still on alpha. But we developed a product hunt tool that could go through your connections and find people with a Product Hunt account.
Say you have 1000 people on your LinkedIn list, and 150 of them have PH accounts. What would you do? You can write a personal message to them about your Product Hunt launch and ask for support. Moreover, you can send those messages automated with marketing automation tools such as Phantombuster. You can learn how to do so via this LinkedIn article.
Now think about it; you’ve done it for all of your colleagues that have LinkedIn and found 800 PH accounts. 10% of them upvoted your product. That’s a whopping 80 upvotes! This could alone guarantee you to stay in the top 10.
As I mentioned before, the tool is still on alpha. If you want to give it a try, you can schedule a call with the creator of the tool.
#5 Create a sticky bar and optimize your pop-ups
It’s a smart marketing move to let your visitors know about the launch. For one day only, we made a sticky bar and applied it to all pages. You can see it below.
This way, you have a chance to convert website visits into upvotes. If you want to get more aggressive, you can also change your pop-ups and apply exit-intents.
We use Optimonk to create beautiful and highly converting pop-ups.
#6 Optional – Second newsletter
The average open rate of newsletters is between 20-30%. Here we advise you to send the first email in the morning. Then late afternoon, make a new email list by excluding those who opened your email. This way, you can have a second chance to reach the people who didn’t see your first email. Some may think this is aggressive. But we wanted to inform you about this SaaS marketing strategy 😉 In the end, it’s up to you!
Remember, PH algorithm wants you to spread your upvotes throughout the day. This is also an excellent strategy to support that thesis.
PH launch wants some attention and preparation. But in the end, it could take your product to the right audience and give you lots of high-quality leads!

1200 leads in a few days. I guess this is not bad at all!
As you see, the Product Hunt launch demands a lot of work and time. If you want us to take care of your product launch you can contact us
3. Host actionable webinars
With the pandemic, webinars replaced physical events and meetings. The good news is: we got used to it. Now people are signing up for webinars and actually showing up!
Of course, there are still good webinars and bad webinars. We want you to host the best one in your industry, so we’ll share everything we’ve done so far. However, the content of the webinar is not the only determinant of a good webinar. If you made it this far, you must have understood the importance of distribution too.
Therefore, for webinars, we’ll be talking about two things.
- The content: how to create a perfect webinar.
- The distribution: how to make people join the webinar.
Let’s start with the first one.
#1 How to create a great webinar
If you joined more than one webinar before, you know how boring they could get. Webinars are often 1-hour boring and long introductions to a general topic. Most of the webinars are slow, informational, and elementary.
To us, a great webinar is actionable and entertaining. A person who attends your webinar should get his/her instant ROI of their one-hour investment!
Now we’ll show you some examples of webinars we did this year. Yes, we are aware that we’re a growth marketing company (service provider), and you have a SaaS product. But still, these examples can lead you to create actionable webinars.

5 tips for actionable and entertaining webinars
For the sake of examples, we’ll assume you have a CRM SaaS product.
#1 Optimize the content for your audiences’ problems.
This is the most crucial part. Don’t make the content about your product. Make it about your prospects’ problems. For example, the name of this CRM webinar can be:
- 5 CRM SaaS marketing strategies that could increase your revenue by X%.
- 5 interesting CRM case studies you can get inspiration from.
#2 Keep the introduction extremely short.
Nobody wants to sacrifice their precious time for something they already know. If you’re going to talk about CRM but want to ensure everybody is on the same page, do a 5-minute introduction.
In fact, you can place an article on your webinar landing page and tell your customer something like:
“If you don’t know what a CRM is, read this article. We’ll skip the elementary babble and only focus on interesting things in the webinar!”
You see, it’s already more attractive.
#3 Offer actionable content
Make sure some of the things in your slides are applicable right away. For example, in our B2B growth marketing webinar, we made live demonstrations for little growth hacks. And near the end, we shared five marketing strategies people can apply that day.
Show them two quick wins they can get with your SaaS product and offer them a free trial in the end!
#4 Narrow down your audience
CRM for whom? I know it doesn’t sound right, but you can reach a bigger audience by getting more specific.
- 5 CRM SaaS marketing strategies that helped B2B SMEs to increase X% revenue.
- 5 CRM SaaS marketing strategies that could increase your revenue by X%.
You see, the first one adds two more layers and definitely can attract more prospects from B2B SMEs. If you know who you want to have as a customer, don’t hesitate to narrow it down!
#5 Make sure you have a great mic, co-host and the right webinar software.
These are the basic needs of any great webinar. Great mic saves you and your audience from frustration. The co-host could manage the audience, questions, and chat. Finally, the right webinar software can grant you extra features and mobility that will make your webinar extra spicy.
We use Livestorm, and so far, we’re happy with all the features.
#2 How to attract the maximum amount of participants
This is a subjective opinion. But here is what we learned from a year of trial and error:
Instead of making five small webinars use that effort and power to make one huge webinar. Focus your attention on your content, distribution and quality. However, if you haven’t done any webinars yet, start with small webinars for sure!
So far, you have learned a lot of distribution channels under content marketing and PH launch titles. We’ll not repeat them again here and keep some points rather short.
What did we do to get 1138 participants?

We started promoting a month or two months before the webinar. That’s the key point. Of course, it’s always good to have a landing page for your webinar, so build one. Now you’ll get the specifics:
- Organic distribution on social platforms every week. Slack, Personal LinkedIn accounts, FB, FB groups, Reddit and you know the rest. So for a month, that’s 4x distribution. And make sure your graphics and invitations look slick.
- FB and LinkedIn ads: experiment with these social ads. We ran FB ads for weeks and CPC was low and the conversion rate was quite high. Now ads are part of our marketing strategy.
- Newsletter: create a webinar-specific newsletter and send it biweekly to your email list.
- LinkedIn Event Inviter: create an event page for your Webinar on LinkedIn. Then use marketing automation tools like Phantombuster to invite your LinkedIn connections automatically.
- Follow up with LinkedIn invites with automated messages: again, you can use Phantombuster LinkedIn message sender tool to send personalized automated messages.
- Change exit-intents on your website.
- Create a sticky bar for your website.
- Invite guest speakers: and benefit from their audiences. Give them material to share in their socials, newsletters and so on.
As you can see, LinkedIn is the recurring and most efficient platform for distribution. You can check our complete guide on LinkedIn to learn the points you’re missing, such as marketing automation, messaging and so on. We wrote everything step by step, in precise detail.
Rinse and repeat these tactics for a month, and soon, you’ll host huge webinars and generate high-quality leads! If you want to invest in your sales and marketing teams, you can check our 6-week growth marketing course.
4. The LinkedIn lead generation strategy that brought us 15K+ leads.
You already know a lot about lead magnets. This strategy combines the power of lead magnets, LinkedIn social selling and marketing automation. We’ll give you everything you should do and reveal our marketing strategy.
First, check this:

We wrote a lead magnet and posted it on LinkedIn. As you can see in the picture below, it ended up with more than 18.5K views and 400+ comments. Until now, we did this 10 times and it worked every time. Now, let’s get into the HOW of this lead gen blueprint!
In fact, we applied the same marketing strategy for one of our SaaS customers. You can check the case study here:
DESelect Case Study: A lead magnet + LinkedIn campaign that brought 289 leads to a SaaS company in two weeks.
Here, we reverse engineered our LinkedIn blueprint. We’ll break it down step by step.
- Optimize your LinkedIn Profile
- Find your target audience via LinkedIn Sales Navigator and add them to your network.
- Create a valuable lead magnet for your target audience (Since you already know this, we’ll skip that one)
- Find or create a LinkedIn Pod.
- Post your lead magnet with a twist and respect the LinkedIn algorithm.
- Scrape the commenters and redirect them to your landing page.
- Send them your eBook and add them to your nurture flow.
#1.Optimize your LinkedIn profile for Lead Generation
Your profile is your landing page and you’re getting hundreds of profile visits monthly. It’s crucial to give a good first impression to your potential leads. We’ll not go in-depth on that subject, because we already covered it. You can read the comprehensive guide and optimize your profile from here.
#2 Find your target business audience and add them to your LinkedIn network.
This is the groundwork for the launch day of your lead magnet. We want you to expand your LinkedIn network by surrounding yourself with your target audience. So on launch day, you could deliver your lead magnet to the most relevant people.
In short, more people = more reach = more leads.
If you haven’t activated your LinkedIn premium trial, you’re lucky. You can activate and start experimenting with what we’re about to show you. For free. Otherwise, you’ll pay $60 per month to experiment with this step.
Note: you can also use the regular search feature of LinkedIn if you don’t have the budget.
In this step you need to do two things:
1. Find your target audience via LinkedIn Sales Navigator
We already have a detailed guide on that subject. You can read it and start to get results with LinkedIn Sales Navigator today. Read it here: How to Expand Your LinkedIn Network.
2. Send an automated message and connection request to your target audience.
After you get the desired results (a list of prospects) on LinkedIn Sales Navigator. You’ll extract your prospects’ data from LinkedIn by using Phantombuster. Then you’ll send automated messages + connection requests to them using the same marketing automation tool.
Respectively, you’ll use these phantoms (sub-group of tools) on Phantombuster.
LinkedIn Sales Navigator Search Export -> LinkedIn Sales Navigator Profile Scraper -> LinkedIn Network Booster.
In this guide, you can find the details on how to do it: How to Expand Your LinkedIn Network
Why LinkedIn Sales Navigator?
LinkedIn is the best place to find leads for SaaS companies, especially for B2B businesses. LinkedIn Sales Navigator has 36+ filters you can use to pinpoint your audience. It’s the best segmentation tool around.
#4 Find LinkedIn pods
Let’s demystify what a LinkedIn Pod is.
You can think of it as a private group of LinkedIn users. But they’re focused on one thing: engaging and sharing other people’s content. So when you’re a member of LinkedIn pods, you’ll be able to share your post with others. Then you’ll have instant engagement from everyone else in the pod.
Why? If your post has a high interaction in the first 30-60 minutes, LinkedIn bots mark it as “potentially good” content. Then LinkedIn starts to show your content in the other connections’ feed.
This blog post by lempod can help you to find manual or automatic LinkedIn Pods. You can find amazing (free and paid) engagement pods by following the link. (or you can create your own)

#5 Post your lead magnet on LinkedIn with a twist.
This is the debut of your lead magnet, and your connections will be the first readers of it. It is crucial to make your connections feel special at this stage, so write your message accordingly.
We recommend you shoot a video; it doesn’t have to be professional. It could be a 30-second video where you share your excitement and the contents of your new lead magnet.
Now to the twist. At the end of your video and LinkedIn post, you’ll say:
Just leave a comment below, and I’ll send it to you. This is the catch. The engagement coming from these comments will carry your post to the feed of dozens of people.
You’ll get thousands of views, likes, and comments + connections organically. With zero budget.

Let’s, recap all the steps:
- Shoot a video (add subtitles)
- Write a long-from LinkedIn post to tell your story.
- Tell people to comment on your post to get the lead magnet.
- After you publish your post, share it on engagement pods.
Now, how can you transform those commenters into leads?
#6 Scrape the commenters and redirect them to your landing page.
In this stage, you should have hundreds of commenters under your LinkedIn post. Now, all you have to do is scrape (extract) those LinkedIn addresses to send automated messages that contain your landing page.
Remember, here you want to get their contact information in exchange for your lead magnet. So a one-pager with your lead magnet attached is a must. It can be a simple landing page or a form.
I know terms like scraping may sound intimidating. But you already know about Phantombuster from the earlier strategies. Here, you’ll use two phantoms to extract the commentators and send automated messages.
LinkedIn Post Commenters Phantom -> LinkedIn Message Sender Phantom
You can write a personalized small message like this:
Hey “name”,
Thanks for your interest in the “Lead magnet”. You can download it by following this link: “link”. Please let me know what you think about it!
Your feedback is crucial and appreciated.
P.S. Phantombuster gives you everything you need to personalize your message. It’s a piece of cake, so don’t think about that.
#7 Send them your lead magnet and add them to your nurture flow
Your prospect will read your lead magnet, and maybe they’ll love it. But then what? Then you need to follow up with them because prospects are swamped with work, and they are forgetful. So, nurturing them with a series of emails could help you convert them into customers.
Our advice for the first email is to don’t garnish your first email with your other services or call to actions. Just send them a friendly email, like you are friends on LinkedIn. (And that’s true, you’re friends on LinkedIn 🙂

The tool we used below is Autopilot. You can connect it with almost any CRM, personalize, structure and track your email campaigns. It’s relatively easy to learn and use it. The end schema of an email campaign in Autopilot looks like this:

After you sent the eBook, you should also have an email nurture flow. Ideally, your leads will read the eBook in max one week, then you need to remind them about your company.
How will you follow up, what is your end goal? You should strategize all these things and set your email to follow beforehand. And after a few follow-up emails, you’ll hopefully become partners.
So that’s that! If you want to read a broader version of this SaaS marketing strategy, you can do so by following the link below:
How we generated 700+ leads on LinkedIn with zero budget
5. Multi-touch cold emailing campaigns
Most people think cold email is dead. But it’s one of our most effective and efficient marketing channels. People think like that because they structure and execute their cold email campaigns poorly.
Here you can check this case study: How we scheduled 70+ calls with 58% open rate for a B2B SaaS company.
Now, let’s introduce you to the core concepts and steps of successful email marketing.
- Finding the right audience via LinkedIn Sales Navigator + getting the GDPR free email addresses.
- 1st touchpoint with social ads.
- 2nd touchpoint with automated LinkedIn connection + personalized messages.
- 3rd touchpoint with cold email.
- 4th touchpoint follow up on LinkedIn
- Marketing automation and integration
As you may know, this is a psychological phenomenon. As you increase your visibility towards your potential customers, they’ll get used to seeing your company name. By the time you reach those prospects, you’ll not be a stranger anymore: they’ll know you, what your company does and how you can help them.
These additional touchpoints will eventually melt down the ice between you and your prospects. And your cold emails will be “lukewarm” once you send them. Now, before we get into the details, we’ll inform you about the most crucial concept of cold email campaigns.
A straightforward approach: giving some value yourself first to then seize some. This gesture can be an eBook, webinar invite, use-cases, or any offer that carries value. Before you apply all the steps, focus on your offer and make sure it’s a powerful one.
Ok, let’s open this up step by step.
#1 Finding the right audience via LinkedIn Sales Navigator + getting the GDPR free email addresses.
You already know about LinkedIn Sales Navigator. After you segment a super-targeted cold email audience, all you have to do is find their email addresses. To find GDPR-friendly business email addresses, you can use Skrapp.io. It’s an email extraction tool that is compatible with LinkedIn. The learning curve is literally 3 minutes.
You see, in this step, we get all the information to create a super personalized customer journey + made a verified email list for our campaign.
#2 1st touchpoint with social ads.
In this stage, we use LinkedIn ads to create awareness. We want our potential clients to see our brand, value proposition, product, and nothing more really. The intention here is to get them ready for the upcoming steps.
We won’t get into the details here, LinkedIn ads are pretty intuitive. And you don’t have to be super creative to create an awareness ad. Just put a nice image and lay down your value position nicely on your text + image.
If you want to learn more, make sure to check our guide to LinkedIn ads.
#3 2nd touchpoint: Automated LinkedIn connection + personalized messages.
At this point, most prospects are familiar with our brand. That’s why shortly after our LinkedIn ad campaign, we send them a connection request on LinkedIn. The intention here is not to sell anything but to tap into their awareness field for the second time.
You already know how to send automated LinkedIn connections + messages with Phantombuster. So we’ll skip that. But the messaging here is important. You don’t want to write anything salesy at this point. A general greeting message like this would be great:
Hey “name”
I see we share similar interests and industries. I thought it would be a good idea to connect with you.
OR you could just add them without a message.
Your LinkedIn profile = landing page of a personal brand. So, LinkedIn Profile optimization is a must before you send connection requests to your potential clients. You can optimize your LinkedIn profile in 6 steps and get ready for your visitors.
#4 3rd touchpoint: cold email.
Write a great subject line, keep your email short, tie in your value or offer nicely and keep your tone conversational. Also, remember that you’re friends on LinkedIn and they’ve already seen your ads.
In your subject line or email, you can already mention your touchpoints. That will increase the opening and reply rate instantly.

We usually write four emails (nurture flow), the strategy is less is more like that:
1- Introduction message + call invite (usually we mention earlier touchpoint (LinkedIn) here to get more replies)
2- A shorter version of the introduction message.
3- Reminder
4- RE: Last call (more emotional)
Note: in this example, we only aimed dutch-speaking prospects to communicate in their mother tongue to increase personalization, therefore conversions.
P.S. We use Lemlist to manage our email campaigns and nurture flows. It’s easy, intuitive and has excellent features.
#5 4th touchpoint: follow up on LinkedIn.
This is pretty straightforward. You can once again automate a batch of messages with Phantombuster and mention the email you sent. It’s crucial here to leave a time gap between touch points. You don’t want to be too pushy.
Some people find this very aggressive, but so far we had many positive feedback and conversions out of this strategy. The fact is: people are very busy and can miss your messages or emails. Reminding them measuredly causes no harm for both sides.
#6 Marketing automation and integration
All the steps above look easy on paper. But it can be challenging to run and control this process if you don’t know which tools to use and how to use them. At this level, such questions may arise:
- How can we track the process?
- Are we sending these emails manually?
- How do we know when someone replies to an email?
- How can we integrate all these automated emails with our CRM system?
To answer this question once and for all, we set up everything for you. Usually, our marketing tool stack consists of Phantombuster, Lemlist, Zapier, and our client’s CRM system for cold emailing campaigns.
Once you set this strategy and automation up, you can reiterate, replay and reap the results again and again. If you like the idea and need assistance for the creation + execution of the campaign, feel free to call us for a non-binding consultation.
Now you’re ready for the moon shot!
Hope you enjoyed the SaaS marketing strategies above. We shared our best practices with you with all the details. If you could put some effort and time into these marketing strategies, we believe you can grow your business rapidly in no time.
Of course, most of these SaaS marketing strategies require many resources: work power, time, and expertise. If you want to achieve your business goals faster and need an accountable partner for your moon shot, we can help you in three ways.
- At Upthrust, we help various SaaS companies daily. Therefore we know how to diagnose, approach, and solve SaaS business problems. If you want to start but don’t know where to begin exactly, you can schedule a call with our SaaS expert . He’s the co-founder of GrowForce, and he had a SaaS startup which he successfully sold recently. Therefore, he knows your problems from first hand.
- If you know precisely what you need but need growth marketing experts, you can also contact us
- And finally, if you want to upskill your team and make them tackle all these challenges, we have the GrowForce Academy. In our 6-week growth marketing training, your sales and marketing team learn all the things we showed and can become fully-fledged growth marketeers.
Thank you for reading!